Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bullet Proofing Your Class Room

Bullet Proofing YOUR Class Room

Understanding that the world we live in is not that of our grandparents, it becomes
necessary to have a plan for just about every contingency. That plan whether at home or in public should be layered. To rely solely on law enforcement to keep us safe is no longer the deterrent that it once was.

Without debating the merits of “it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun”. What can be done to help protect children when we are not there?

Aside from building attack resistant schools that within their layout would be a series of safe rooms, safety doors and avenues of escape in the best of economies. It would not be cost effective to replace most of our outdated school buildings and would make them more like a prison than halls of learning.

There are several new ideas and products produced to reinforce the layers of protection needed in our schools. Limiting vehicle access to eliminate front door drop off, might push back someone considering to use a vehicle for quick assault tactics. Then stop them from entering the building. It doesn't take a genius to know a strong door will slow down a motivated attacker. But if that door has a window near it or within it, it's no longer a strong barrier. The greater the barriers
the greater the possibility to prevent an attack.

When barriers fail and time is of the essence a persons ability to respond under pressure is their best defense. If given the opportunity to defend and having the guts to respond is an option, something like this could be of use. There is a new bullet proof white board that has potential as a shield that can create time and make opportunities for escape.

If your child is trapped and trained to respond, there is a bullet resistant backpack that are designed to provide some protection in the event of an attack against pistol fire.
Also discovered by some of our troops in combat was the Panasonic Toughbook. It's a laptop that has the ability of stopping bullets even though it's not a part of
the design. It has become a part of the same mystique, that was given to pocket Bibles carried by G.I.'s in prior wars.

To me, a frighting thought is that we teach children how to respond quickly and quietly in the event of a building fire, but now we also need to teach them how to act while under fire too.

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