Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The best conceal carry pistol

The best pistol for carrying concealed is not as cut and dry as some sales persons
would lead you to believe.

There are a few questions to answer first.

  1. How experienced are you with hand guns?
  2. How big of hand do you have?
  3. How strong is your shooting hand?
  4. What activity's will you be doing while carrying?
Note: If you're looking to buy your first hand gun, and the sales person shows you a Glock, and then tells you it's what you need, they don't know what they are doing.

Don't get me wrong a Glock is an okay pistol, it is not for a beginner. They are
widely used by law enforcement for several reasons. Glock sell there (LE) pistols
well below retail price. They are made to be operated by the simplest minds, and
they generally work. On the other hand the Glock is only safe when it is unloaded.
With out an external safety, and such a light trigger pull, more (LE) have had
accidental discharges with Glock than any other pistol. They also have a nasty
habit of blowing up. I have held 5 Glocks 4-40cal. and 1-9mm that gave up the ghost. Other than that they are okay.

With that being said, all beginners should start with a revolver. If you are going
to carry mostly around town, I recommend a 38 Spl. fully weighted not a lite-weight.
For a beginner with minimum hand strength or who likes to hike the local
trails I recommend a 22 Mag. Revolver.

It needs to fit correctly in your hand, with thumb and middle finger touching or almost touching, and trigger well within reach. Somehow the right gun, will feel
just right.
If you have trouble pulling back the slide on a pistol or have to make adjustments in order to operate a safety, either build up your hand strength or buy a revolver.

With a strong grip and being in the woods a 357 Mag. is great on critters
and around town you can use 38 Spl. for bad guys.

If you feel a revolver is not for you that's ok. Find the gun for you and not just
what your told to have.

I hope this will help and always remember to keep your powder dry.

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